About Us

Humanity is experiencing a crisis unlike ever before.

  • Most don't get the mental health care they not only need, but also deserve.

    1 in 5 (52M) U.S. adults experience mental illness each year. 54% of the 52 million do not get the care they need and deserve. 42% say the primary reason is due to cost, affecting the overall safety, health and wellbeing of humanity.

  • Humanity is experiencing the greatest loneliness and isolation epidemic in history.

    1 in 2 American adults reported feelings of loneliness. Did you know that lacking connection is associated with a greater risk of heart disease, dementia, stroke, depression, anxiety, and premature death.

  • Suicide rates have increased to one death every 40 seconds across the globe.

    In 2021, in the U.S. alone, there were 1.7 million reported suicide attempts and 48,183 attempts were successful. The numbers are increasing annually. Suicide is now the 2nd leading cause of death for those of age 10-15 years old.

Introducing Hope Booth

Our Mission

Provide individuals a free and accessible innovative, interactive, and immersive experience to encounter hope, affirm their dignity, and serve as a connection point to finding local help and support on their journey to mental health.

What is the Hope Booth?

A reimagined telephone booth strategically redesigned to house evidence based 3-minute interactive immersive experiences purposed to deliver hope and connect individuals to free and cost reduced local help, support, mental health care and resources within proximity. Developed and created alongside a Science Board of licensed professional neurologists, psychologists, therapists, and social workers from Harvard, Cambridge, and acclaimed institutions around the globe.

What is the goal?

Imagine Hope Booths permanently installed around the globe on street corners, in prisons, hospitals, schools, workplaces, and just about anywhere people frequent, 24/7, free of charge, to provide humanity with a resource that offers mental health accessibility.

Mental health is sometimes the problem, but oftentimes the symptom to an even greater pain point. Imagine Hope Booth connecting billions to the local help and support they could need in their journey to finding lasting communal support, such as cost reduced therapists, food banks, churches, shelters, employment, community, and more.

Imagine not having to search for hope or help, but the help finding you exactly where you are whether it be 2pm or 2am and whether you had the finances to afford traditional mental health care. What would happen if we pioneered a new way forward? Imagine the change our world would experience.

Key Features

  • Hope Meter

    Technology that strategically determines 1 of 19 experiences for user based off of Hope Meter scoring and emotive word bank analysis

  • Hope Message

    A selection of 19 90-second messages of hope tailored towards specific topics, written alongside a team of mental health professionals and performed by a wide variety of diverse communicators (referred to as guides).

  • Support System

    5-mile radius connection point with free and affordable local community support such as churches, therapists, homeless shelters, food banks, and support for mental health contributing factors

  • Breathwork

    Scientifically proven breathing exercises and technique to enhance mental wellness in times of stress

  • Lightbox Therapy

    An effective therapeutic treatment for those who are affected by seasonal depression

  • Targeted Sound

    Targeted hypersound directional engineering designed to maintain experience effectiveness in busy areas to provide users an immersive experience, without the hassle of headphones

Hope Booth Experience Demo

This is a partial demo, as The Hope Booth is powered through a customized in Booth app.

Take A Look Inside

Here are visuals of some of the digital elements within the Hope Booth

How Sponsoring a Hope Booth Install Works

From Donation To Installation

  • 1. You Make a Donation

    On average, Hope Booth installs cost $15,000 - $25,000 depending on the location, installation requirements, and permits/permissions.

  • 2. We Match You With a Location

    We’ll strategically allocate your donation to an appropriate installation project in a community in need. That could be a hospital, school, or even a street corner.

  • 3. You Receive a Certificate

    The average Hope Booth installation process takes 6-8 weeks to complete. We’ll keep you updated along the way, invite you to the ribbon cutting ceremony, and grant you a certificate of completion.

“It’s a gem to take 3 minutes to pause and receive. Life is so fragile and I don’t think myself or many in the world take a moment to reveal truths about ourselves.”

— Karrin R.


cities have had Hope Booth installs


countries have had Hope Booth installs


states have had Hope Booth installs

It’s Bigger Than The Booth

Here are other ways we are pioneering a movement where no one goes unseen.

  • Our organization hosts free community gatherings for Gen Z & Millennials to make space for real time connection and conversation within communities across the country, which creates an atmosphere for hope and healing, together.

    Learn more about Never Alone!

  • This is our practical opportunity to serve. We do this by going into cities experiencing homelessness and actively see the unhoused population through connection and meeting tangible needs.

  • As a global movement, we make it a mission to take hope on the road through unique experiences and events in the context of a wide variety of communities in collaboration with community based non-profits across the globe.

    Check out our “Until All Are Seen” Tour Documentary

  • The more we know, the more we grow. That is what fuels our pillar of hosting both online and in person workshops alongside a team of professionals in a multitude of fields. We are committed to educating our community on the importance of hope, seeing others, mental health, and all of its contributing factors while providing the necessary tools and resources to tackle every day life in a hope-filled way!

  • Our activations are a unique way for our organization to create in-person, technology-free immersive experiences that allows us to connect directly with individuals on a personal level and in a powerful way, through intentional demonstrative acts.

    Check out our “What Is The Lie You’ve Believed” Activation

    Check out our Mental Health Awareness “Your Story Matters” Popup

View Our Documentary

“Until All Are Seen” chronicles a 30 day 19 city journey across the country