You can do anything to raise money to make hope and help accessible.

From wellness popups to basketball tournaments to lemonade stands to pop-up concerts and everything in between, fundraisers have the unique power to rally our communities under one cause: hope. No matter what you choose to do, 100% of the money you raise will go directly towards making hope and help accessible to all with funding going directly towards Hope Booth installations!


The simple answer: people need hope and people need access to help.

As of today, every 40 seconds someone dies by suicide. That’s approximately 800,000 people who will lose their life this year alone. 1 in 5 (52M) U.S. adults experience mental illness each year. 54% of the 52 million do not get the care they need and deserve. 42% say the primary reason is due to cost. Many are affected. These are children, women, men, mothers, fathers, CEO’s, teachers, healthcare workers, veterans, human beings who feel invisible.

But it doesn’t need to be this way. This is bigger than mental health alone. This is a hopelessness epidemic, but we know how to solve this issue in our lifetime. And we will, if we work together with urgency.

As a fundraiser, along with increasing awareness and inspiring those around you to move towards action oriented strength, 100% of every penny you raise will go towards pioneering a movement where no one goes unseen and making hope and help accessible to all.

Decide what you want to do. Choose a fundraiser name. Set a goal amount. Select a photo (maybe of you?). And before you know it, your fundraising campaign is ready to launch!

Booth Funding Goal: $15,000 - $25,000


Starting a fundraiser is simple.

Set Up Your Fundraiser

Once you’ve raised enough to sponsor a Hope Booth install, we’ll let you know when and where a Hope Booth will get installed because of your efforts! If the amount you raise is less than a Hope Booth install we’ll still give you updates on where your money will go!

Now that your campaign is set up, don’t be afraid to tell everybody you know about your fundraiser! Utilize your community to join your efforts to make a difference. The more people know, the faster you’ll reach your goal and the more fun you’ll have.

Rally Your Community

See Your Impact

Turn Fun Into A Fundraiser


Turn Fun Into A Fundraiser 〰️